
Friday, August 19, 2011

Small Town Summer: Cherry Lemonade Cocktails

Birthdays are a big deal in my family. Celebrations for one person’s birthday usually lasts a week, meaning the traditional, “don’t tease her, it’s her birthday,” works for 5 days after the fact. Yesterday was mine and it was a great day. We had a very relaxed day and then we went for an amazing dinner at Bricco in Harrisburg. It was one of my best birthdays and boy did I make out! My sister and Aaron's parents came up for the day and the six of us (my mom, Aaron, and myself included) had a wonderful day.

Look for my birthday post tomorrow!

The day before I had a different experience, but made a tasty treat out of it.

Have you ever experienced one of those days where you find yourself running errands from 9 to 5 rather than in the office. Today was that kind of day. Running around sure makes a girl thirsty.
So I decided to put my cherry infused vodka to good use, and make lemonade. So I thought, Cherry Vodka, fresh lemonade…what could be better? I must say, it was delightful. But just with just the two, the mixture was flat and too sweet without any complexity. So we began experimenting with sodas: ginger ale, tonic, seltzer. For me, tonic won out, for the more subtle drinker, try seltzer. Add a lime wedge and stir.

Right now you are probably asking yourself, what about the lemonade? I’m glad you asked, in fact that is the best part. Make a double recipe and the younger kin can have a sip too!
Homemade lemonade is as easy as can be, and it is worth it.
Homemade Lemonade: 5 cups

1 cup sugar (reduces to ¾ cup)
1 cup water (for simple syrup)
1 cup lemon juice (4-6 lemons)
3 to 4 cups cold water (to dilute)

Make the simple syrup by heating the cup of sugar and 1 cup water in a small saucepan until the sugar is dissolved completely, stirring frequently.

While the heating the sugar, juice 4-6 lemons to make one cup of juice.

Add the lemon juice and the sugar syrup into a pitcher. Add 3 to 4 cups of cold water, to make a stronger or weaker lemonade. Refrigerate the lemonade for about half an hour. To make the lemonade stronger, add more lemon juice.

For the Cherry Lemonade Cocktail:

1 part Cherry Infused Vodka
 2 parts Fresh Lemonade
1-2 parts tonic water or seltzer water
In a glass full of ice, stir the mixture and serve with a lime wedge.

Step by Step:

Add a shot of cherry vodka.

Add two parts lemonade.

Top with tonic or seltzer water.

In honor of my birthday, mix one of these up and enjoy!

The College Cuisiner

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