
Saturday, September 17, 2011

Philly Favorites

I hope you will forgive me for quite a different post today. I have strayed a little bit from the foodie world and have been focusing on this fantastic autumn weather we have been having in Philadelphia.

I love Autumn: crisp air, falling leaves, pumpkin flavored foods = heaven.

1.  Today we a consistent forecast of 65 degrees I ventured out in my knee high boots, blacks jeans, a long sleeve shirt and light jacket. Ahhh…perfect. Yes two days ago I was forced to wear shorts, but no, today it is Fall, and all is swell.

2.    Walking into Starbucks yesterday for my weekly coffee (yes I said weekly, that’s how strapped for cash I am right now,) I saw my perennial favorite: Pumpkin Spice latte. But at $4.55 a pop I decided to save a buck or two and go for a less fancy version of my caffeine fix.
Courtesy of Bakeaholic Mama + 3

3.    Bakeaholic Mama’s Pumpkin Walnut Scones look to die for. I can wait to try these!

4.   My mother just bought me a set of Pyrex dishes; meaning my recipe ability has just tripled. Look out for my Sheppard’s Pie, enchiladas, baked ziti and everything in a baking dish. Yeah Fall meals!

Courtesy of Smitten Kitchen

5.       Matzo Ball Soup, known to many as Jewish penicillin. This is honestly a cure all for when you are feeling sick. And with a great Jewish deli right down the road, I have been craving this every since it started to get cold. I am going to have to cave and go get a bowl soon enough.

Courtesy of

6.       CafĂ© Xocolatl: A Mexican hot cocoa/ Cuban coffee drink I got last week at Cuba Libre. I’ve been dreaming about it ever since. I’m sure I can recreate it with some coffee, bitter chocolate, and cinnamon.

You’ve probably sensed a Autumn theme so far. I can’t wait! Sure once it hits late November I will be complaining about how cold it is, but for now, I can enjoy my perfect chilly season through October.
Next weekend when we travel back to Small Town PA, we will definitely have to go apple picking…I promise pictures.
Enjoy your beautiful Fall weekend!
The College Cuisiner

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