
Thursday, January 5, 2012

London: First Day(s) in the UK

Reporting from Notting Hill, London, England.
We finally arrived on Tuesday night but since I just got over the jet-lag, and due to lack of opportunity, this is my first post. Strangely enough, this is the first WIAW I’ve missed since I started two months ago. But I promise I’ll try to do better!
So after the long flight, which was delayed, and then delayed in the air for landing because of the of precedent winds in England, we finally got there to be greeted by…rain. Well, I did decide to study in England.
The first night after a short time to unpack and nap, we went for our welcoming dinner in Central London. After that and walking around to find the tube stations, we called it a night.
On Tuesday we spent the whole day in orientation at which we were all told that England was a country of thieves and petty criminals and that our purses and personal items were never safe. Great!
After all the information we went to buy our UK pre-paid phones where while waiting in the shop, a man ripped four £300-400 “mobiles” from the displays and preceded to dash out. Hmmm…maybe there’s something to that?
Soon after a dinner break we were taken to the theatre on the West End to see The Woman in Black, which is probably the scariest play I’ve ever seen. The play has been running for 15 years so naturally a movie is coming out shortly starring Daniel Radcliff. And no, I’m not joking.
Finally Wednesday we had a break and after sleeping in until 10:30 instead of 9 as planned, we did our grocery shopping, got our bedding, hair dryers, and black tights from Argo’s (The Target equivalent) and H&M respectively, we returned for dinner and chatting with the other students in the house.
The house is great. We are in Notting Hill in a house straight out of Upstairs, Downstairs, complete with a salon and downstairs kitchen. It is a place as a full-year student here described as “a safe place to come home a night.” Good, because apparently I must keep my over-zealous guard up for pick pockets and criminals.
I love the area, it is so wonderful and just a walk from Kensington High Street with about every posh shop known to man for my window-shopping pleasure. We visited a few charity shops but found nothing I loved and with the prices of everything, it’s hard to fall too hard for anything! But after all I’m glad to have proper sheets and a hairdryer since I have officially not washed my hair since Monday morning. Ew.
Despite limited resources and a “food cubby” the size of my middle school gym locker or a toaster box, I’m excited to start cooking across the pond. Groceries are expensive and I have yet to find frozen peas but I will not give up hope. Though I can’t believe I’ve been here for three days + and have yet to have a Ribena Black Currant juice. The horror! But hey, the McDonald’s here look like four-star restaurants so it can’t be too bad. And on the upside I’m in one of the coolest, most posh cities in the world with family just train rides away, to be seen this weekend!
I have yet to take pictures in fear of being recognized as a tourist and consequently mercilessly pick-pocketed. But I’m sure tomorrow when the group of eight of us go sight-seeing to Buckingham Palace etc. we will less of targets. Note my successful use of the token British sarcasm.
So I promise to return shortly with lots of photos both scenic and culinary despite the risk to my well-being. No seriously, I’m fine, that’s why the fabulous coat Lisa and Aaron bought me has a inside pocket!
The official count so far:
Megabytes of internet used on Skype etc.: 7,000 out of 20,000
Pounds spent: 180 (Hey, groceries, a phone, bedding, toiletries, the Tube, etc., I have a budget for the rest after necessary one-time expenses)
Days until Aaron visits: 57
Rides on the Underground: 8
Chocolate Biscuits consumed: 5
Skype calls to Aaron and Mom on my very limited internet: 4
Cups of tea: 4
Days here: 3
Witnessed acts of crime: 1
Random window shattered from a three story building in treacherous winds: 1
Meals cooked: zero. (This will change, wait till you see what I have planned for tonight!)

Thanks to all for the kind wishes and thoughts! I promise to keep you updated on the progression of all my adventures.
The College Cuisiner

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