
Sunday, February 5, 2012

Travel: Left my Heart in Scotland

Considering these are from last week I figured I should post them already. Today, Sunday is my first “break” since our first week going on a month ago before classes! How is that possible? But here it is, and on my Lazy Sunday I will writing my paper on “The ethnic divisions in Modern Britain,” and enjoying some homemade nachos to celebrate Super Bowl Sunday that I won’t even get to watch! (It airs at about 1 AM here) But first, these pictures.

If you haven’t been following this, last weekend I went to Edinburgh, Scotland. On Sunday we took a tour of the Lowlands with the highlight in St. Andrew’s, Scotland. It was so amazingly beautiful I could hardly believe it. It is absolutely my kind of city. “New Town” was built in 1763.

Yeah. So imagine a modern bustling city with restaurants, businesses, shops of all kinds in buildings on average older than the entirety of the United States.

I could so live here.

“Our” Street. (For three days in Edinburgh)

Yes, a real live Police Box. Any Doctor Who fans?

Edinburgh at night.

Next day: Full Scottish vegetarian Breakfast. This pub gave us a discount since where we were staying. Vegetarian haggis and vegetarian sausage with scrambled eggs, toast, fried tomato, broiled mushrooms and Heinz beans.

Really good!

And tea.

Holyroodhouse Palace: The Queen’s official residence in Scotland.

We found the only photographer to ask to take our photos.

So pretty. Could I live here Your Majesty?

Tour of the lowlands. Sadly we couldn’t make it to the Highlands.

On the way to St. Andrew’s. Photo-tastic! Notice my hometown newspaper.
St. Andrews, Scotland.

I couldn’t believe I was actually here!

The famous St. Andrew’s golf course bridge.

Pretty Pretty.

The spot of the voted “Best Fish n Chips in the UK,” in Anstruther, Scotland.

More of Anstruther.

Our tour group at the edge of Edinburgh before my camera died.

I am so glad we got to go to Scotland. I almost wish it would have worked out for Aaron and I to go study at St. Andrews. He” got in,” but I wouldn’t have so I would have been happy studying at University of Edinburgh. So amazing. I wish you could have all seen it. If you ever get the chance, I recommend it. These are a small sample of the nearly 300 photos I took this weekend and I would haven't taken more if my camera did not die. Who knows, maybe Aaron and I can live there one day.
The College Cuisiner


  1. My little sister and I are planning a trip to Scotland! We are hoping for next spring... Looks like you are having a blast. So jealous!!

  2. Carrie, you will love it! It is so wonderful I wish I could have stayed longer. Let me know where you are going I would love to hear about it/suggest somewhere! (not that I'm an expert!)
