
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

WIAW #13: Valentine's Day Eats and Sick Day

Change of plans today unfortunately Readers,

I am currently experiencing a major sick day here in London. I have no idea if it is a bug or my horrendous lack of sleep the past few days. With said, my post today will be shorten but WIAW must go on.

Especially since I have to share my Valentine’s Day eats with you!

I finally did the WIAW button right!!!!! Thanks Jenn for the lesson!

Now as you know, I am over here in England until April and my darling Aaron is back at school in Philadelphia. But does that stop Aaron from totally winning at Valentine ’s Day? Of course not.

Yesterday morning at 10 am (England time) I received a giant customized bouquet of 12 long stem roses with a beautiful card. (Pictures to come, promise! I hurts too move right now.) And apparently more to come when he visits in March…hmmm….

And what did I send him two weeks ago via Royal Mail so it would get there by V-Day at a whopping cost of £25 shipping? (Not that matters…) I sent a box of customized Scottish goods complete with a Scottish Parliament Whisky snifner, book on his Scottish clan and his tartan on a lamb’s wool scarf, chocolate pralines, and St. Andrew’s golf ball set complete with the course’s dirt and grass rubbed on the golf balls. I did okay. Love you baby.

And for my eats of course:

Late Breakfast (Had the day off from class)

Bowl of Dorset super cranberry, cherry, & almond muesli with Rachel’s organic Rhubarb yoghurt (surprisingly delicious,) raw honey, fresh organic strawberries and blueberries.

Organic Earl Gray tea with raw honey and splash of semi-skimmed milk.

(are you getting the sense I enjoyed my Whole Foods trip on Sunday?)


Laundry and library searching


Cup of delicious Fairtrade Filtered coffee. I found a place! But sadly for my own reasons idk if I’m going back. Bummer.

Crazy Marks & Spencer (Wegman’s equivalent) prepared Valentine’s Day Dinner with my roommate Beth (All this for two people for £ 20! Champagne and chocolates included!)

First Course

Baby Plum Tomato Ducey Camembert Tartlet

My own arugula (Rocket here) side salad with fresh blueberries and dried apricots in a honey Dijon orange vinaigrette

Main Course

Duck L’orange

Garlic Mushroom caps

Quinoa (my addition)


Belgian Dark chocolate soufflé with single cream, strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries

Rose Champagne and box of chocolates

Food coma to follow.

Notice how with even this over indulgent dinner I managed to sneak in some fruits and veggies? That’s my Veggie goal this month!
This was great day with my roomie since Aaron was so far away, I had a great time preparing this! It was easy too since all you had to do was pop the prepared food in the oven! Love fancy prepared meals here!

Okay now I’m going to bed again to sleep and wear off this stomach ache… I’m miserable.

Hope you had a good Valentine’s Day! What did you do or not do?


The College Cuisiner


  1. Aw I'm sorry you're not feeling well!!!

    Isn't it fun after a trip to whole foods?!

  2. I hope you feel better soon. Your Valentines Day eats looked wonderful!

  3. It all looks delicious, especially the dessert! Seriously, how can you not enjoy a trip to whole foods? I think it's impossible :) Feel better!
