
Monday, June 4, 2012

Homemade Iced Coffee

As you all should know by now, one of my favorite (and first) blog friends, Carrie at Bakeaholic Mama is kind of a master when it comes to "why didn't I think of that?" recipes. One of the those examples is her homemade iced coffee for those of us who can't go without. I don't know how you are but I had to get a 16 oz. black coffee at lunch today because I didn't have anything this morning and was suffering from a major headache and case of the yawns.

So I made Carrie's iced coffee last week and loved it. Unfortunately this is a little hard to make "work friendly" as it requires your own ice cubes. But check out this brilliance. Don't want to spend all your hard earned cash on a grande Starbucks frappe-more-ice-and-calories-than-coffee creations? Then try this!

You know how iced coffees can become way too watery way to fast? Why water down that perfectly good coffee when you need it most? Instead, take your morning's leftover coffee and pour into a ice cube tray. Freeze and use it for your iced coffees: no water and twice the coffee boost! Ahhhhh iced perfection.

Here's how Carrie did it and I didn't change a thing, just wanted to share my success story with you all. Btw, this is a good night-before-recipe.

Homemade Iced Coffee: two large glasses
(From Carrie @ Bakeaholic Mama)


16 oz. of your favorite leftover black coffee
20 ounces of  your favorite fresh black coffee (flavored is fun too!)
2 tbsp. sugar
Light Cream or desired milk


Pour cold leftover coffee into a 12 ice cube tray. Freeze for several hours.

Brew fresh coffee to desired strength. Pour into a heat-proof container and mix in 1-2 tbsp. of sugar. Stir well until dissolved. Refridgerate fresh coffee over night.

When ready to serve fill a large glass with coffee ice cubes. Pour sweetened coffee over ice cubes leaving an inch or two for cream. Pour favorite cream over top and stir.

Drink immediately with a straw and enjoy you iced coffee coffee until the last ice cube melts!



The College Cuisiner

What's your favorite iced drink for summer?


  1. I am so warm this morning, this sounds AMAZING!

    1. It's pretty refreshing to say the least! Nothing better than a cold drink on a hot day!
