
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

WIAW# 33: OMG I have to Exercise?

O-KAY, we've been doing WIAW for awhile now and everything has been great. But this week I have been hit with a dilemma. The wonderfully fabulous Jenn has made July's theme: Food...Fun...and Fitness.

Chirp. Chirp.

DO NOT take this wrong. This is a wonderful idea. Of course healthy eating goes with healthy living and what goes with that...I think the answer is exercise? Yes Marisa, it is.

I am a great healthy eater, I even went partially vegan this week (yeah I know you can't go "partially" vegan.) I've been eating quite a few vegan meals, not sure why but I really like it. But exercise has never, I mean NEVER been a strong attribute of mine. I'm the-oh-let's-occasionally-take-a-walk-and-standing-type exerciser. A.k.a. I don't really exercise.

This leads me to part this month's section called: 

My current definitions of exercise

Sleeping outside/sunbathing with a coat on

Reading cookbooks on public transportation

Yeah, I'm not sure what this is....

My hope this month is that my "current" definitions will become my former and be replaced by real exercise....hopefully. 

I played tennis is High school and walk at a near running pace but since getting to university I developed asthma. While I do not use my condition as an excuse and can be hard to overcome sometimes. I like running but only in the woods where no one else can see me and where I can take lots of breathing breaks. Since I no longer live anywhere near the forest I’ve just kept up my walking. While living in London I walked so much it was almost too much. The funny thing is Aaron is a fitness junkie while I would rather be cooking or reading than doing crunches or pushups.

But I am going to challenge myself to find a way to balance out healthy exercising with healthy eating. If for nothing else exercise helps your overall health and for me my everyday breathing quality.

Anyone else out there have a reluctance to exercise?

Any suggestions?

While I’m not a fitness person, I do love snacking (last month’s theme) and I’ve really committed to that. This weekend I finally broke down and bought a jar of Justin’s almond butter because if I buy anymore individual packets I could have bought a jar for cheaper.

While in Wegman's this weekend I found myself perusing the cost of roasted pumpkin seeds when I found Chunks of energy cocoa goji berry. nom nom nom. I've had to force myself not to devour these babies like popcorn. SOOOOO GOOD!! I also got a carton of unsweetened almond milk to see if changes in my diet might help with my lack of energy. Yes, exercise will help with that, so alas I must give in.

I have also done a few changes this week in the blog world. I'm finally on Twitter, took the "blogspot" off my url, and I ordered business cards Hooray!! I even experimented with instagram. This is getting serious people.

But now past my rant let’s get to this weeks’ eats. Pretty good ones if I do say myself.

P.s. Happy July 4th! Can't wait to hear about all of your holiday eats. 

(Two Days because they were so good!)

(Pictured above) 
Breakfast Quinoa bowl with Banana bread topping, agave, 
unsweetened almond milk, almond butter 

Fresh blueberries, one banana, with a scoop of Justin's almond butter, one goji berry chunk of energy, crumbled, unsweetened almond milk, drizzle of agave  yummmmm!

Coffee, splash of part almond milk part half-n-half


Arugula salad, yellow farm market tomato, small piece of Cajun grilled chicken breast, grilled portabello mushroom cap, crumbled bleu cheese, homemade basil balsamic vinaigrette



Quinoa spaghetti with homemade simple tomato sauce
red wine sauteed carrots, celery, onions, basil, a little asaigo cheese
(first time trying quinoa pasta, love it!)


Lunch Redo:

real quinoa with homemade simple tomato sauce, 
red wine sauteed carrots, celery, onions, basil.


Homemade Almond Power Smoothie: frozen banana, frozen vanilla chobani, almond butter, agave, unsweetened almond milk (noticing a theme?)

Pink Lady Apples

Cocoa goji berry Chunks of Energy oh yum!

Tribe Forty Spices hummus with red bell peppers (ignore the sandwich...)


I think I've blabbed enough today to warrant a lack of recipe so expect so very soon (maybe Friday, I got some good ones a brewin')

Real Fitness TBA....promise.


The College Cuisiner

P.s. Don't Forget to enter my giveaway from Tribe hummus and Veggie Patch! The giveaway ends July 9th at 5:00pm. The winners will be announced on July 11th, my one year blog-anniversary!


  1. that is spaghetti noodles made out of quinoa? are you serious? i have never heard of this, but it sounds too good to be true!

    1. I know! You can get it at Whole Foods or Wegmans and probably other speciality grocery stores. It's Ancient Grain brand and is a mix between quinoa and corn flour so it's totally gluten free. With all that its actually delicious! It's about $2.50 a box but it doesn't makes as much as traditional pasta.

  2. I started out not loving to excersize too - but now I feel so good after a workout that I crave going to the gym. Find a goal - want to run a 5K? Then download the Get Running app on your phone or Ipod!
    Or try classes at your gym - I love Zumba and my "butts n guts" class (abs and bum work) and I really want to start Body Pump for strengh training!

    1. Thanks for the advice! You are right what I need is a class to MAKE me go! My mother has been telling me we are going to zumba together for the last year. I need to find zumba or yoga and do it on my own.

  3. Your breakfast bowl sounds awesome! Thanks for sharing the recipe! I think I know what I'm having for breakfast tomorrow....

    1. Thanks! Hope you try it! What I like is it keeps you fuller longer.

  4. I've heard of quinoa spaghetti, but the question is: What does it taste like? I'm hoping you say it tastes like pasts *fingers crossed*

    And I am definitely reluctant to exercise. The only way I do it is if it's fun and/or short. I like to do those short 5-10 minute toning moves in fitness magazines, and for cardio I swim or play Just Dance on my wii.

    Congrats with the change in url!

    1. Thanks! I know I need short fun excercise drills too! I was actually pretty surprise how much my family and I liked the quinoa pasta. It's made with half corn flour, half quinoa flour so it is pretty tasty. The only thing is it cooks quicker and doesn't makes as much as traditional pasta but you should definitely try it! And tastes like pasta!
