Thursday, September 27, 2012

Remnants of a Food Blogger Named Me.

So today the strangest thing happened to me. My phone went away. No, it wasn't stolen. I still have the physical thing but when I attempted to sync it to my iTunes account because I thought I was being good it erased all of my information. That's right, contacts, text messages, setting, identity, and most importantly, my photos.

Because my regular expensive camera doesn't take good indoor photos as evidence from my London posts, I use my iPhone 4 for my recipes, product reviews, and practically my life. So not only did it delete everything it replaced it with Aaron's contacts, photos, text messages, and settings from August 2011. I guess one day he used my computer to charge his phone and my iTunes synced with his phone or something. Now I'm erased and so is everything I worked on for this blog. My photos, my notes on recipes, and posts all gone just like that.

I'm feeling really bad for myself right now and it seems silly since it is just a phone but it had all my photos including those of my cousin's son's first birthday where since we share a birthday we had his cake together.

I was also going to post my review of Enjoy Life's new Plentils Lentil chips tomorrow but now all of my photos from the unopened bags are gone. All I have are open bags now. (Don’t worry I will still post the winner of the chocolate contest in a few weeks when Designs by Francine makes the decision.)

Any encouragement or advice is welcomed but honestly I might have to take a break from the blogging for a few days as I have no photos of recipes or restaurants reviews I was planning on posting as they all lived in my phone.

I don’t know where to go from here it might take awhile for me to stock up of recipe photos again and feel better about myself. Chocolate will be involved.

Until next time…


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