Monday, August 15, 2011

Small Town Summer: Cherry Infused Liquor

For the only slight ounce of a vacation that I had this entire summer, my family and I spent this weekend at my aunt and uncle’s cabin in upstate Pennsylvania. Along with the trees and ideal setting came no internet, therefore I apologize for my brief hiatus from posting. The first thing I did when I arrived home (after unpacking the car and hugging the cat) was to begin penning this to make up for my absence.  

Unfortunately not many culinary masterpieces came out of this weekend. Still, fresh fruit and eggs were a plus.

As picturesque as this little cabin in the woods is, we spent most the weekend in torrential downpour. So what do you do in the middle of the woods when it is raining

 Play board games of course! And after an incredibly arduous game of Life, in which I won with $ 1,475,000, there was little left to do. Yet, it was a beautiful setting and very peaceful.

The best I can show you is what I started working on before we left for this cabin in the woods. As I had mentioned in my previous post, I desperately wanted to try my hand at infused liquors. So, I took the advice of Chez Us and made my own Cherry Rum and Vodka (respectively.)

This isn’t as difficult as it looks since it basically consists of pitting the cherries into jars and pouring in your liquor of choice. Still, I make it look very dramatic.

Cherry Infused Liquor: for two jars
(Adapted from Chez Us)


1 lb. Cherries, washed and pitted

2 cups of your liquor of choice for each jar (I used one Dark Rum and one Vodka)


Wash and pit the cherries.

Fill the two jars with equal amounts of cherries.

Fill with the liquor until the cherries are completely covered.

Secure lids of the jars and shake. Keep jars in a cool, dark place for one week, shaking jars every other day. Serve in your favorite cocktail.

I'm going to try Rum and coke with lime and vanilla like Chez Us!

Have you ever infused your own liquor? How did you use it?



The College Cuisiner

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